How Aluminium Windows Contribute to Lower Utility Bills

Aluminium windows and doors have become an extremely popular option for our Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire customers because they are versatile, durable, and can significantly improve the energy efficiency of your home. In this article, our designers at Jackson Windows will explain why they are so effective at saving energy in your home.

Cream Aluminium Windows on a heritage home transformation

Exceeding Energy Standards

Aluminium windows excel when it comes to energy efficiency, boasting exceptionally low U-values. Modern aluminium windows use cutting-edge double glazing and thermal break technology, which effectively minimises heat transfer. This results in maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures during both hot summers and chilly winters, reducing the requirement for excessive heating or cooling and, decreasing energy expenses.

This makes aluminium a perfect choice for upgrading your windows. If you require replacement windows at your Lincolnshire or Nottinghamshire property, opting for aluminium might be an excellent investment in the long term.

Aluminium Windows Are Strong And Durable

Arguably one of the most significant advantages of aluminium windows is their durability. Aluminum is a sturdy and enduring material, making it a great material choice for both windows and doors. Unlike timber, it doesn’t corrode, rot, or warp, and it doesn’t demand frequent maintenance or upkeep.

Aluminium frames can endure severe weather conditions, including intense heat, cold, or heavy rain, without deteriorating or compromising their structural strength. This resilience guarantees that your windows and doors will continue to function well and maintain their attractive appearance for many years to come.

2 black aluminium windows with a black aluminium front door.

Sleek And Modern Designs

Select from a wide array of styles, sizes and colours, to get the perfect windows and doors that complement the aesthetics of your home.

In addition to their visual appeal, these modern designs deliver exceptional soundproofing capabilities, providing you with the luxury of tranquillity and calm when desired.

Not only this but the sleek and contemporary design of these windows will elevate the curb appeal of your home, making it more enticing to prospective buyers. This can contribute to a long-term increase in the property’s value making you more money when you come to sell your home.

Residential Aluminium Windows and Doors in Lincoln.

A Sustainable Option

Aluminium is one of the more eco-friendly materials when it comes to double glazing as it is 100% recyclable at the end of its lifespan. We only use the highest quality aluminium from UK suppliers to manufacture our windows and doors, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking to lessen their environmental impact and save on energy expenses.

Typically, aluminium windows have an average life cycle of 30+ years, ensuring a long-lasting investment. By installing these energy-efficient windows and doors, homeowners can reduce their overall energy usage, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint and promoting a healthier environment.

Cream Aluminium Windows in Lincoln, installed at Harby Mill.

Final Thoughts

It is clear that aluminium windows and doors offer a multitude of benefits that have made them a highly sought-after choice for our valued customers in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. Their versatility, durability, and remarkable energy efficiency enhancements have made them stand out in the market.

These windows not only exceed energy efficiency standards but also contribute significantly to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills, making them a smart choice for homeowners.

Aluminium Gable Window with Aluminium Bifolding doors on a new build extension near Lincoln.

How Do I Start My Home Improvement Journey?

Why not have a chat with one of our friendly and knowledgeable team designers?

Our double glazing services are available in Lincoln, Newark, Sleaford, Grantham, Gainsborough, Horncastle, and throughout Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. You can schedule an appointment in the comfort of your own home by calling us at 01522 541294. Alternatively, if you’d like to see our products in person, you can visit our showroom on Bishops Road in Lincoln.

At Jackson Windows, we take pride in helping customers bring their dream homes to life. With over 25 years of experience and FENSA registration, we have built a stellar reputation, backed by over 100 glowing customer reviews. You can read what our satisfied customers have to say about us on our website.

We’d be delighted to assist you with your home improvement journey and provide you with a free no no-obligation quote to get you started today.